Extra Cash Enterprise

Private sector bank in Genting Highlands

Huxley Associates

Extra Cash Enterprise is a private sector bank located in Genting Highlands. The contact phone number is +60 3-6100 4388. The address is No. 9, Jalan Jati 1, Gohtong Jaya, Pahang, 69000 Genting Highlands. So far, there have been 1 ratings for Extra Cash Enterprise,with an average rating of 5 stars (5 stars being the highest and 1 star being the lowest).


Contact Number +60 3-6100 4388
Address No. 9, Jalan Jati 1, Gohtong Jaya, Pahang, 69000 Genting Highlands
Opening Hours Monday: 10am-6pm
Tuesday: 10am-6pm
Wednesday: 10am-6pm
Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Location Genting Highlands
Reviews 1 reviews

Frequently Asked Question

How to get to Extra Cash Enterprise?

The address of Extra Cash Enterprise is No. 9, Jalan Jati 1, Gohtong Jaya, Pahang, 69000 Genting Highlands.

What is the contact number for Extra Cash Enterprise?

The telephone number for Extra Cash Enterprise is +60 3-6100 4388.

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